
Welcome to the HugoFox support service.

Discover Your Perfect Solution with help from a HugoFox Expert!

Our dedicated support team specialists are here to assist you in resolving any product or service-related queries.

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01635 291 271

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01635 291 271

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions and their answers:

What is HugoFox and how does it work?


HugoFox is the UK’s leading community website provider. It allows you to build, manage and access your site completely yourself from any device, anywhere, anytime. To get started simply register and start your 30 day free trial today.

How much does HugoFox cost?


It depends on which type of community organisation you are and what package you choose. As part of our commitment to local communities we provide local charities Bronze websites completely for free, no Adverts or selling of data.

Does HugoFox advertise or sell data on our site?


HugoFox has never and will never advertise on your site, or sell any data associated with your account.

Can I use my own domain name with HugoFox?


Yes, we provide hosting included in all packages, you are able to choose a new domain, transfer your existing domain or otherwise with no extra charges from HugoFox.

Do I need to be a designer or developer to use HugoFox?


No, HugoFox is incredibly easy to use, it is even easier than editing a word document, if you do get stuck, we have an online help section and a friendly support team on hand to answer any queries you may have.


No banking information, contract or commitment required.


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